Viola Davis
The newly-elected Viola Davis has been appointed to the Georgia House of Representatives Insurance, Interstate Cooperation and Science & Technology committees.
She is the founder of Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter, a longtime government
watchdog of DeKalb County educating the public about waste, mismanagement, and inefficiency in local and state government.’
Davis lead the fight to secure nearly 5 million dollars to properly close a 25 acre abandon bankrupt landfill named Scales Landfill, the state’s largest trust fund award to cap a landfill.
Viola Davis started her career of community service as an actual plaintiff in the
Brown vs. Board of Education filed by the late Charles Scott Sr., mentor to her
mother, Ruby Davis.
She is an honor graduate of the Medical College of Georgia with a Bachelor of
Science Degree in Nursing, a licensed Realtor, was a business owner that owned and operated a hair salon called Express Cuts on Memorial Drive in DeKalb County with her sister, the late Annie Mae Davis. She is an honorably discharged Commissioned Officer of the United
States Army and Airborne.
She’s won several awards.