Dr. Carter G. Woodson created Negro History Week, now celebrated as Black History Month, in February 1926. Woodson, known as the “Father of Black History”, intended to encourage the study of African American history.
More than 90 years later, Woodson’s mission continues to be fulfilled and in the final week of February, Who’s Who In Black Detroit honored those making history today.
On Thursday February 27, the ninth edition of Who’s Who In Black Detroit was unveiled at International Banquet Center. Professionals, elected officials, and executives gathered to celebrate African American achievement in Detroit.
The ceremony, hosted by Ed Gordon, honored Detroit icons of the past, living legends and gave special recognition to top CEOs of the city.
Real Times Media CEO Hiram Jackson urged the sold-out crowd to take advantage of the opportunity to connect with one another and collaborate on initiatives to move Detroit forward.
For Portia Roberson, CEO of Focus HOPE, Jackson’s remarks were a call to action.
“I think what [Jackson] said resonated with me the most about owning and driving the economy in Detroit and just leading in Detroit,” said Roberson.
“You know individually we are all doing great work, collectively we can move mountains. I think hearing that reinforced the work I do individually but what still needs to be done collectively.”
Louis James, CEO of SEEL, agreed and said unity is essential for progression.
“Detroit’s business community, especially the black business community, is coming together and we have to keep pushing to make it grow and evolve with each other.”
Whatever evolution may come, Who’s Who In Black Detroit will document its history just as Woodson encouraged.