March 2020

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By Barrington M. Salmon President Donald Trump and Congressional leaders announced the $2 trillion economic stimulus package—the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act to great fanfare, touting the deliverables of different aspects of the provisions and their belief in its ability to slow the economic tsunami exacerbated by the novel coronavirus pandemic. One of the major selling points is a $1,200 one-time payment to adults. The pandemic has cut a wide and deadly swathe through communities across the country, overwhelmed the medical infrastructures of places like New

With COVID-19 causing significant disruptions, there has never been an easier time to invest in the stock market. Big-name companies have seen unprecedented losses in what experts refer to as a “Bear Market.” With brokerage apps like Robinhood, Stockpile, and Stash, all it takes is $1 for you to own a piece of a major corporation. With the ease of stock market investing, we need experts in the field that can point us in the right direction during this time. While many believe millennials are afraid of