Renters of color pay higher security deposits, more application fees
Results from Zillow's Consumer Housing Trends Report show renters of color typically submit more applications — and pay more in application fees — before they secure a place to live than white renters do. Renters of color also typically pay a higher security deposit when they move in.i The U.S. rental market is as competitive as it's been in decades, with the national vacancy rate lower than at any time since 1984.ii Rent prices have skyrocketed, up a record 17% in just the past year, prompting some priced-out renters to look for a more
Black business leaders win big with explosive growth in SPACs
Jarvis Stewart admits he knew only a little about Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACS). While SPACS have been the rage on Wall Street in recent years, Stewart’s exposure to the financial markets was gained mainly through his longtime friends, which include Christopher Williams, Chairman of Siebert Williams Shank & Co., one of America’s largest minority-owned investment banks and Daniel Black, Managing Partner, The Wicks Group, a New York-based private equity firm. So, when he received a call just a year ago from an old client, a Canadian CEO
Women more likely to face housing insecurity in pandemic-led recession
The pandemic-led recession is disproportionately hurting women in the workforce and is more likely to threaten their housing security. A new Zillow analysis finds women are more likely than men to be unemployed, renters and caregivers during the coronavirus pandemic, thereby increasing their risk of becoming severely cost-burdened by housing. The pandemic has been a startling setback for women who had been narrowing the gender gap in recent years. At the beginning of the year, more women than ever before were in the workforce, incomes were rising along